Selasa, 30 November 2010

quotes from twitter :D

  1. When you really love someone, age, distance, height, weight is just a damn number 
  2. you may never know how important you are to me or how much i care for you
  3. im not jealous, no I'm not...i just want everything she has got ._.
  4. There's this boy, that stole my heart, and didnt give it back
  5. when I lose hope, can you please help me to remember that your plans for me are better than my dreams?
  6. Life is a Small Gap Between BIRTH & DEATH" So In This Gap Be Happy and Try to Make Others Happy.
  7. I love that person, who is reading this. (And smiling now) #FunnyOrFacts (gaada maksud cuma kreatif aja tweet nya)
  8. Life = XXX. Yesterday = Xperience, today = Xperiment, tomorrow = Xpectations. So use ur Xperience in ur Xperiment to achieve ur Xpectations.
  9. Some people wear their smiles like a disguise. Those people who smile a lot, watch their eyes because their eyes says it all.
  10. #DearLadies, with all due respect. Pls don't blame the entire male gender just coz u were attracted to some assholes. Thank u. :))
  11. If you can't get that someone off your mind...then maybe they're supposed to be there.
  12. #TwoThingsThatDontMix @lagygaga & simple clothes.
  13. I fear, when I'll meet the God for the first time & if he'll sneeze. Then what should I say him?
  14. No one will manufacture a lock without a key. Similarly, God wont give you problems without solutions.
  15. Women are angels. When some1 break their wings, they simply continue to fly on a broomstick. They are flexible like that.
  16. Care should be in Heart and not in Words" - "Anger should be in Words and not in Heart
  17. My mom thinks "lol" means 'lots of love" She texted me :"Your Grandma had just died LOL"
  18. parents spend the first part of ur life teaching u to walk & talk. & the rest of ur life telling u to sit down & shut up.
  19. Girls don't look beautiful because they are beautiful, They look beautiful because boys have good IMAGINATION...
  20. Life is too short; so smile before you lose your teeth. ☺
  21. Kill your ego; before it kills you.
  22. It doesn't matter if you have a valentine or not - just love yourself and be your own. - @KimKardashian
apayah kayanya itu aja deh, cape copas mata saya sakit -_-

oh iya maaf ya vick waktu itu saya bilang kamu freak soalnya saya belum kenal kamu, sekarang ngga kok hehe :D sekarang kan saya udah tau kamu orangnya gimana, ternyata kamu itu baik, gan... (gajadi ngomong, ga tega muji. diem) ya intinya gitu we ya. maap lagi ni entri geje -_-

buhbye :D

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